Questions and Testimonials Line


If you have questions regarding anything you’ve found on the website or in the DVD series, or with these issues in general, please call our question line.  We’ll answer your question on an upcoming podcast and by email upon request.  Your question may also be on the minds of many others, thus allowing others to benefit from your asking and the answers presented on the podcasts.  Please call the following number:

(512) 827-0044 ext 9209


Everyone’s experience is both unique and valuable.  Sharing yours may bless the lives of others, so we’d love to hear from you.  Please call the testimonial line and share your experiences with the “Blacks” issues, the Blacks in the Scriptures DVD series and or information you’ve read on the site.  We’ll share them on the website and potentially future podcasts that others might benefit.  Please call the following number:

(512) 827-0044 ext 8160