
Historian Fernando de Alva de Ixtlilxochitl and archeologists confirm the account of the first settlers in Mexico and call them the Olmecs.  The book of Ether, in the Book of Mormon gives the account of people guided by the Lord to a place where “there never had man been”, who are called the Jaredites.  The time period for these two civilizations, descriptions of the cities they built, their inhabitants, culture etc seem to indicate that these two civilizations may be actually one in the same.  There is a wealth of evidence suggesting that the newly discovered records of an ancient people depicted in the Book of Mormon are actually the Olmec civilization, described by the 16 century historian Ixtlilxochitl.

In addition, the Book of Mormon tells of the Jaredites being in Babel at the time the Lord confounded the languages, afterwards going north to Nimrod. Through Genesis chapter 10 we learn that the beginning of the kingdom of Nimrod, the son of Cush, the grandson of Ham, was Babel.  (See Genesis 10:6-10)  From segment one of the Blacks in the Scriptures DVD series, Blacks in the Bible, we learn that Ham and his posterity were indeed what we would call today, of Black African descent.  Archeological finds such as styles of building, tools, weapons, sculptures and culture indicate that the Olmecs were of African and Afro-Asian descent.  Thus with the absence of evidence indicating otherwise, in contrast to the wealth of available evidence that suggest that the Jaredites and the Olmecs were indeed one in the same and what we would to be of the Black culture.

This section of site will provide available information and research to gain a better understanding of the Olmecs and the Jaredites which has given many Latter-day Saints and others a greater appreciation for the Book of Momon, as well as a greater understanding of the contribution of those of African descent to biblical and scriptural history.  A passage from the Book of Mormon illustrates the great faith of Moriancumer, the brother of Jared, from which we get the name Jaredites, who is believed to be of Black African heritage by those knowledgeable on the subject.  This passage comes from the book of Ether 3:9 “… and never has man come before me with such exceeding faith as thou hast;”

The evidences of the Olmec civilization and the accounts of the Jaredites in the Book of Ether are considered amongst scholars and theologians significant substantiation of the Book of Mormon.


Jaredites:  2000 B.C to 1500 B.C. Jaredites built many cities, including Moron, a highland capital called Moron.

Olmecs: Archeologists find a location with similar characteristics in the Oaxaca valley, along with pottery, farming areas, and settled villages from the time period 2000 to 1500 B.C.

Jaredites:  1500 B.C. City named Lib build by the Jaredites.  In 1070 there was a civil war in the time of Com mentioned in the Book of Mormon. This coincides exactly with a civil war that archaeologists say destroy the city at San Lorenzo.

Olmecs: Olmec archeological discoveries reveal a city near San Lorenzo beginning around 1500 B.C. with similar social structure and monument building coinciding with the account of the Jaredites in the Book of Mormon.

Jaredites: The Book of Ether reveals that in the years following, the Jaredites experienced a culture filled with lavishness and wickedness.

Olmecs: Archeological finds reveal the Olmec society at this same time steeped in a focus on wealth and riches.  This included enslaving people to build huge monuments.

Jaredites:  279-130 B.C. Jaredite culture is utterly destroyed with one last great battle.

Olmecs: Archaeologists approximate the Olmec destruction at between 350-100 B.C.

Jaredites: The last battle of the Jaredite people is described as being on a hill.

Olmecs: The final battle of the Olmecs was discovered to be at Cerro Vigia, and area consistent with the description of  the area described in the Book of Mormon.

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